Rebels make it 0-3 for the home teams

All three home teams start with a loss as Rebels take down Rooster

With sunday school and KZG taking big losses in their opening games, Rooster were the final home team who the Melbourne crowd were looking up to for a win, with the Australian team taking on Rebels in the Group B opening game at the ESL Challenger Melbourne 2024.

Anubis was the battleground for the action as Polish team started with the T-sided pistol. After racing to a 5-0 start the Poles secured an 8-4 lead with asap stepping up to make sure the local team weren't wiped in the opening half itself. Rebels propelled themselves to match point after picking up the second pistol and it was an easy 13-7 win with Flayy closing things out with a 1v2 on the AWP.

Rebels will face MIBR in the Group B winners' match while Rooster will take on compatriots KZG to keep themselves alive.

7 - 13
All maps
Rooster K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Australia Tyson 'asap' Paterson 23 - 9 +14 111.3 90.0% 1.81
Australia Tynan 'TjP' Purtell 8 - 10 -2 49.4 75.0% 0.92
New Zealand Michael 'chelleos' Hawkins 9 - 12 -3 47.5 65.0% 0.85
Australia Sharvesh 'dangeR' Saravanan 10 - 12 -2 50.0 65.0% 0.79
New Zealand Corey 'nettik' Browne 6 - 15 -9 49.4 60.0% 0.51
Rebels K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Kamil 'kisserek' Banak 17 - 12 +5 100.7 75.0% 1.51
Mariusz 'casey' Jarząb 14 - 11 +3 91.5 75.0% 1.32
Alan 'Flayy' Krupa 12 - 7 +5 59.0 85.0% 1.23
Patryk 'olimp' Woźniak 10 - 13 -3 45.9 70.0% 0.82
Paweł 'innocent' Mocek 5 - 13 -8 28.7 65.0% 0.57

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