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OnlyFriends secure their finals spot at the Nostra Gaming CS:GO tournament

OnlyFriends book their grand finals spot, taking the semi-finals 2-1, winning out Mirage and Inferno

OnlyFriends started Mirage with their skipper f1redup dropping a 3k and rev3nnn pushing up mid to convert the follow-up. BUILT DIFFERENT (BD), a team who have looked strong throughout the tournament, found themselves lost on Mirage as the star-studded line-up of OnlyFriends put up a stellar CT-side defense, dropping just 2 rounds and closing the half at 13-2.

BD got very close to winning numerous rounds with 2v2s and 1v2s but OnlyFriends let nothing slip through. BD could get only 1 gun round on their CT-side and that too was against OnlyFriends' match point. OnlyFriends finished the match off with a flawless T-side at 16-2.

f1redup and Crazy_Gamer finished Mirage with 23 and 20 frags to their names, followed by Ph1NNN, rev3nnnn and clouda at 16, 14 and 12 frags. BD had nothing to show on Mirage with just 2 of their players, SH4DY and B2 crossing double figures with 12 and 11 frags.

  • Semi-finals 1


India Crazy_Gamer
India rev3nnnn
India f1redup
India clouda
India Ph1NNN


India B2
India SH4DY
India iConquer
India Izz
India Catastr0phE

BD rediscovered their winning ways on Ancient, asserting dominance in the early rounds with a 4-0 start. OnlyFriends equalized the score at 6-6 off the back of clouda and Crazy_Gamer's mid aggression and when BD were inches away from winning an eco, f1redup stepped with a 3k, as OnlyFriends found their confidence again, finishing the half at an even 7-8.

OnlyFriends got off to a rocky CT-side, unable to contain BD, going into an early 12-8 disadvantage, as Catastr0phE and SH4DY opened up sites for BD and B2 was securing opening duels, just fragging head and shoulders above the rest. OnlyFriends nearly mounted a comeback, but B2 shut down the attacks to secure the map 16-13, with a massive performance from B2 with a whopping 35 frags. clouda and f1redup topped the scoreboard for OnlyFriends with 24 frags each.

Going into the decider, iConquer started strong for BD with a 4k in the pistol round but it all went downhill real fast as OnlyFriends conceded just a single round after the first two, finishing the half with a dominant 12-3, off the back of rev3nnnn, f1redup and Crazy_Gamer's 12, 17 and 16 frags.

BD nearly mounted a comeback but fell prey to an eco OnlyFriends on round 22, closing the match 7-16 and the series 2-1, securing the 1st Grand Finals spot, as BUILT DIFFERENT, a team that played great Counter-Strike throughout the tournament, ended their run. f1redup finished the series with 63 frags for OnlyFriends.

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