Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

Reckoning Esports prevail in a one-sided encounter

Bhamraat Gaming left speechless after a 2-16 defeat

Reckoning Esports (RGE) started strong on the CT-side of Inferno, taking the pistol round and converting the follow-up. Bhamraat Gaming (BG) managed to put together a decent buy, but ghostxD whipped out the AWP and dropped a 3k, putting forth a great arch hold, sending the BG economy back to the cleaners.

Off the back of an all-round effort, RGE put up a 9-0 lead, giving no map control to BG whatsoever. The closest BG got to winning a round till then was s 4v2 with both CTs isolated but were denied the round, courtesy of RGE's smart positioning and routing.

Reckoning Esports

  • India ghostxD

  • India TEMPERRR


  • Bryle

  • India surajS

Bhamraat Gaming

  • India Angry

  • India Max-E-mUm

  • India 1nglorious.M

  • India Akg0d

  • India BaahuBali

BG kept changing up the pace on the T-side but nothing could stop the AWP of ghostxD, almost always chiming in with multi-frags and chip damage. BG finally secured their 1st round 13 rounds into the match off of an eco rush but unfortunately could not find anything else, as the half ends 14-1.

Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

The 2nd pistol round saw trades going back and forth on the B-site which went down to a 1v1, ultimately going the way of BG, securing their 2nd round of the match. BG could not convert the follow-up as RGE toppled their A-site defense with an eco push, reaching match point. RGE wasted no time converting it and securing the match, 16-2.

ghostxD led the way with his AWP, going 23-10 followed by SALO_MUX, surajS and Bryle at 22, 17 and 15 frags. BG could not put up numbers in the fragging department with BaahuBali finishing on just 3 kills throughout the match and the rest securing 10 and 11 frags.

Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

RGE's CT-side was formidable, letting nothing slip towards BG. Banana, the most important part of the map was aggressively contested for and secured nearly every round by RGE, putting BG at a huge disadvantage very early in the round.

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#1(With 1 replies)
June 22, 2023 08:26pm
Guys salo is Russian and bryle is from sea(idk where he's from)
#2(With 0 replies)
June 22, 2023 09:46pm
Thank youuu <3 Just found out that salo is from Russia and bryle is from Philippines
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