Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

Reckoning Esports pulls off a massive quarter-finals win

2EZ Gaming concede Overpass 16-12, despite f1redup's frag-fest

The 3rd quarter-final starts off in a tight fashion on Overpass with Reckoning Esports (RGE) taking the pistol and converting 2 of the follow-up rounds which to f1redup responded with aggressive entries across the map, as 2EZ Gaming (2EZG) string up 3 of their own. It was SALO_MUX who broke the streak of 2EZG after clutching up a 1v1.

Again f1redup responded with a brilliant individual play, taking down 2 fully armed and armored opponents with just a Tec9, securing the 4th for 2EZG. After equalizing the score at 5-5, RGE went on to close out the half without dropping a single round, 10-5, despite f1redup looking in great form for 2EZG.

Reckoning Esports

  • India ghostxD

  • India TEMPERRR


  • Bryle

  • India surajS

2EZ Gaming

  • India NAIKZERA

  • India n1kace

  • India SpawN

  • India Skwow

  • India f1redup

RGE looked to run away with the momentum with a fast paced pistol round towards A, but were stopped in their tracks by SpawN and f1redup. 2EZG converted the follow-up but just could not keep up with TEMPERRR and SALO_MUX's aggression in the mid-phase of the match, as the score read 13-9, with RGE.

Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

Right on the brink on equalizing the score at 13 a piece, surajS calls a masterful A-take, post-plant and a follow-up immediately securing the match point and just a stone's throw away from the Pune LAN at 15-13. RGE held their nerve, executing a planned out B-take and it all came down to a 1v1 where ghostxD got the better of f1redup, closing out the match 16-12 and advancing to the semi-finals.

Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

"He was all over the map and he doesn't miss shots, he also hits the tough ones. Its always a challenge playing him because you need to make sure you flash him off and he can't pick you for free. We made those mistakes today, he was capitalizing on them and was playing really well, props to him."
surajS, Reckoning Esports on playing against f1redup

f1redup was fragging head and shoulders above the server at 38 frags, displaying a masterclass in CT-side AWPing, but unfortunately fell short of the finish line. TEMPERRR and SALO_MUX fired on all cylinders, dropping 26 and 25 frags for RGE. Going up against the likes of mastermind IGL, f1redup on Overpass, surajS showed great composure and class of his own, calling a brilliant game for RGE.

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