Image Courtesy: Skyesports

Wasted Potential book Skyesports Masters CQ finals spot after double-overtime thriller

Bottom Gs concede Nuke and Overpass, get eliminated in semi-finals

After starting on the T-side of Nuke with a fast-paced up close glocks round, Wasted Potential (WP) went up 4-0 as Bottom Gs (BG) fumbled a semi-buy and a hero M4 follow-up rounds. An aggressive AWP on AR7 in hut finally put BG on the scoreboard. BG even as they were on track for a comeback, looked shaky in coordination with multiple incendiaries landing in same spots, double AWP setups often watching the same routes and number advantage rounds slipping through.

India Bottom Gs

  • Champp

  • DuK3

  • lynX

  • AR7

  • n1kace

India Wasted Potential

  • 3vilprinc3


  • Headshotspecial

  • YellowFlash

  • ChAmPcs

WP ended the half 10-5 and BG, a team that has looked formidable on the T-side in the past, strung up 5 rounds in a row, neutralizing WP's advantage at 10-10. Rounds were traded back and forth and after a full 30 rounds, Wasted Potential emerged victorious 14-16, taking a 1-0 lead in the series.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

BG started off Overpass on a flying note, skyrocketing to a 12-3 lead on their CT-side and looked well on their way to a dominant win to equalize the series, especially given that T-side is BG's strong suite. WP took the pistol and converted the follow-up in the 2nd half but what followed was a CT-side masterclass as WP strung up 10 rounds in a row and closed the gap, eliminating BG's monstrous lead.

More than 10 rounds in the half, BG finally cracked the code, putting up their 1st T-side rounds and a back and forth trade saw the score at 14-14 with the banks of either sides on the line. With their backs against elimination, WP came through to tie the match at 15-15 and force overtime.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

WP almost put up a flawless CT-side in overtime but DuK3 stepped up with a massive 4k-clutch to steal a round, as the score read 16-17 in favor of WP. The score switched along with the sides and BG stood just 1 round away victory off the back of a triple AWP setup on the CT-side of Overpass. It came down to a very tight defuse which failed, as WP secured a round and the match continued on a 2nd overtime.

WP hang on by the skin of their teeth, sweeping a clean CT-side in the 2nd overtime, closing out the match 21-19. Wasted Potential have advanced to the finals of the Skyesports Masters Cafe Qualifiers and Bottom Gs' run ends in the semi-finals.

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