Image Courtesy: Reckoning Esports

Reckoning Esports edge out Velocity Gaming

Velocity Gaming fumble strong starts, concede series 1-2

Velocity Gaming (VG) vs Reckoning Esports (RGE)


VG 16-5 RGE



VG 16-19 RGE


VG 7-16 RGE

After getting hammered in the opening map, Reckoning Esports turned it around to pick up the series 2-1 against Velocity Gaming, in an action-packed three-map series.

Starting off on the CT-side of Inferno, Reckoning Esports were left speechless, as Velocity Gaming put up a stellar T-side, not allowing Reckoning’s economy to grow. Velocity Gaming were often seen hitting both sites at the same time and Reckoning Esports were just caught in an endless loop of rotations. Dropping just 3 rounds in an otherwise flawless T-side, it was an all round effort from Velocity Gaming to close out the half 13-2.

Reckoning Esports won the pistol round and narrowly closed out a couple of follow-ups to start off the 2nd half. Velocity Gaming quickly rediscovered their winning ways and cruised to match point at 15-5 to immediately close out Inferno 16-5 and go 1-0 up in the series.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

Going into Ancient, it took Reckoning Esports five rounds to put their name on the scoreboard on the T-side as Velocity Gaming locked in a solid CT-side. At 8-2, Velocity Gaming were setting up to repeat their 1st map run but Reckoning Esports fought back, changed up the pace and managed to close the gap at 9-6 at halftime, still in favor of Velocity Gaming. Reckoning Esports took the CT-side pistol and strung up 4 more in a row to steal Velocity Gaming's lead at 9-11.

Thanks to their streak, Reckoning Esports were now running a double-AWP setup on the CT-side, making it really hard for Velocity Gaming to move around the map. At 10-12, Reckoning Esports went for a contact play outside A which went on to cost them the round, tossing their economy again, courtesy of the double-AWP setup that they were running. Velocity regained their lead at 13-12, after Reckoning Esports fell prey to time and could not defuse the C4 after eliminating all their opponents.

Reckoning Esports

  • SurajS

  • GhostxD


  • catastr0phE

  • Champp

Velocity Gaming

  • The_Guru

  • MaChOleleR

  • Logan

  • KevinR

  • L0sttt

Going forward Reckoning's economy could not recover in time as Velocity Gaming secured match point with a 3-round buffer. Velocity Gaming's fast paced A-hit was met with a sneaky play, stealing the round and now breaking Velocity Gaming's bank. Reckoning Esports with their backs against the series point, pushed the game into overtime.

Reckoning Esports read Velocity Gaming like a book, putting up a flawless CT-side in overtime and Velocity Gaming needed a reverse sweep just to push the game into a 2nd overtime. Reckoning Esports closed out Ancient in overtime 19-16, pushing the game to a 3rd map, for the 1st time in the tournament. GhostxD put up a stellar AWP performance for Reckoning Esports and Temper was an immovable object on the A-site, displaying top notch anchoring.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

On Nuke, for a change it was Reckoning Esports who started off strong but were unable to capitalize on their lead, as Velocity fought back at end the half at an even 7-8, setting up the series for a close finish in the second half of Nuke. Reckoning Esports won the pistol and follow-up, reaching double figures at 10-7. Reckoning Esports did not look back, sprinting to match point at 15-7. Temper kept opening up the lower site round after round, Champp looked sharp and surajS called a formidable and flawless T-side to close out the match 16-7 and the series 2-1, after being put against a 3-match point buffer on Ancient.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

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#1(With 0 replies)
July 12, 2023 05:31pm
enjoyed this game a lot. from 16-5 demolition to a real comeback. This will surely give reckoning a good boost to their confidence
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