Image Courtesy: Logan, Instagram (vlt.logan25)

"They surprised us with Nuke" - Logan on their match against Reckoning Esports

Velocity Gaming conceded a 1-2 loss to Reckoning Esports

After fumbling a strong start, Velocity Gaming conceded a 1-2 series to Reckoning Esports and here's what Logan from Velocity Gaming had to say about the same.

What was your formula on Inferno? You guys were ruthless

"Inferno is our strong maps and all our guys were hitting their shots. We maintained banana control and our IGL, Kevin had a great strat-book for Inferno, we believed in him and followed course."

What went wrong after Inferno?

"We made a lot of mistakes and peeked many times without proper utility and by the time we got to overtime, we lost momentum."

Were you worried about Reckoning's CT-side aggression on Ancient?

"Yes, we were really confused, they were taking control of multiple areas simultaneously. We were kind of unlucky from time to time and lost a few aim duels, that really got the better of us."

What do you think went wrong on Nuke?

"Communication was an issue, we hadn't prepared for Nuke. We thought they would pick Overpass and they surprised us with Nuke, so we had that pressure to close out 2-0 before the game went to Nuke. We were playing with 2 motives at once, maybe that was a factor."

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