Break or no - the Danes continue their dominance

Heroic kick off BLAST Premier Fall Groups 2023 campaign with a BIG win

The Danes breeze past the Germans

Heroic didn't show any signs of rust as they kicked off the action post the player-break taking down a new look BIG with ease at the BLAST Premier Fall Groups 2023. It was a clean 2-0 from cadiaN and his team as they continued to show why they are one of the best teams in the world.

The action kicked off on BIG's pick of Overpass with the Danes starting on the defensive side. BIG's new AWPer mantuu kicked things off with a triple on the pistol to give the Germans the opening round but Heroic responded with a force buy. jabbi's double with the Scout gave the Danes the lead of the map. After a couple of clean rounds from Heroic, it took a double from tabseN to help BIG put up their second in round seven. Heroic responded immediately and the rest of the half saw BIG pull back a couple of rounds towards the end of the half thanks to a few strong B hits to end the first half with a 5-10 deficit.

TeSeS and stavn were stellar on Overpass

BIG picked up both pistols of the map as it was another mantuu multi-kill in the opening round of the second half. A tabseN quad kill made sure BIG didn't fall to the force buy again. The Danes won the first gun round in the second half, as the Germans couldn't hold on to the B site, despite having four people. Heroic converted a 3v4 on the B site, which helped them secure their 13th and like the first half, once the guns were out, Heroic strung together multiple rounds and eventually closed the map at 16-7, thanks to a sjuush quad-kill in the final round of the map.

For the Danes, it was TeSeS leading the scoreboard for the Danes with 23 kills as stavn was close behind with 21.

Source: BLAST

The second map was Heroic's pick of Inferno with the Germans starting on the CT side. A stavn double in a B spilt saw Heroic pick up the pistol. Conversions against the force buy and the eco saw Heroic take a 3-0 lead before both sides had guns out. A tabseN double shut down Heroic's B hit which gave BIG their first round. jabbi's 1v1 against Krimbo on the B site saw Heroic win out the half in the 11th round as the Danes were putting up round after round, dismantling the German defence. A s1n triple saw BIG pick up their fourth and BIG eventually broke Heroic's economy and salvaged the first half to a 7-8 deficit as mantuu ended the first half with a triple kill.

Strong series from stavn

sjuush's quad kill in the second pistol, from pit, saw Heroic take both the pistols on Inferno. Heroic were upto double digits in no time as they converted against the full eco and force buy. Another quad kill from sjuush against the full buy saw Heroic secure their 13th. A prosus double opener along with one from tabseN saw BIG pick up their 8th but that was all for the Germans as a TeSeS double on the B site saw Heroic secure map and series point and the Danes didn't waste much time after that to close out the map at 16-8 and secure the series 2-0.

Source: BLAST

stavn ended the series on the top of the scoreboard with 43 kills across the two maps.

2 - 0
All maps
HEROIC K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Denmark Martin 'stavn' Lund 43 - 31 +12 98.0 78.7% 1.37
Denmark René 'TeSeS' Madsen 40 - 32 +8 92.4 80.9% 1.31
Denmark Rasmus 'sjuush' Beck 32 - 25 +7 70.0 85.1% 1.22
Denmark Casper 'cadiaN' Møller 28 - 20 +8 60.2 76.6% 1.10
Denmark Jakob 'jabbi' Nygaard 22 - 22 +0 54.8 74.5% 0.99
BIG K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Karim 'Krimbo' Moussa 31 - 32 -1 87.0 76.6% 1.12
Mateusz 'mantuu' Wilczewski 31 - 32 -1 63.7 72.3% 0.98
Elias 's1n' Stein 26 - 35 -9 65.8 72.3% 0.86
Johannes 'tabseN' Wodarz 24 - 33 -9 62.1 57.4% 0.81
David 'prosus' Hesse 18 - 34 -16 45.6 48.9% 0.58

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