7SEA reverse sweep for a 2-1 win

7SEA dominate Reckoning in 2-1 win

The Bhavi lead squad bounced back from a Ancient loss to take the series in 3 maps.

Reckoning and 7Sea got things off on 7Sea's pick of Ancient, with Reckoning starting on the CT side. 7Sea picked up the pistol and was 3-0 up in a jiffy. Reckoning picked up their first round but aggressive calling from Bhavi saw ElV1S punish Reckoning on the openers as 7Sea were 6-1 up in no time. Temper's two 1v1 clutches saw Reckoning put up two in a row but Benzene's 1v2 saw 7Sea back on the board. Bhavi's mow down at ramp saw 7Sea win out the half on the T side. 7Sea ended the first half with a 10-5 lead.

Temper's double gave Reckoning the second pistol, and a surajS double put Reckoning on seven. Reckoning went on a five-round streak to tie the game at 10-10. Reckoning eventually took the lead at 12-11 and closed the map at 16-12, with Temper leading the way with 30 kills which helped Reckoning turn things around after a slow start.

The second map was Reckoning's pick of Inferno and after an early 5-0 lead from 7Sea, Reckoning's first came in round six, on which they doubled up. They were looking good for three in a row but Benzene from pit came in with a crucial triple kill that saw 7Sea turn around a 2v3 to put up their sixth CT round. Reckoning strung together four in a row to tie the game at 6-6, and castastr0phe's triple saw them take the lead at 7-6. Two impactful rounds from CycloneF and Benzene saw 7Sea switch sides with an 8-7 lead.

Moving on to their attack, 7SEA started with a pistol round win as CycloneF took out the final CT in a knife fight. BENZENE and Bhavi were on fire in the second half as they ran through the Reckoning defence round after round. And without dropping a single round, 7SEA took the map win to tie the series up and move us to Vertigo.

The early fights on Vertigo were too close to call for either team. Reckoning took the pistol, and 7SEA won the force to take an early lead, but Reckoning came back and tied it at 3-3 before 7SEA once again took another lead and, this time managed to extend it all the way to 6-3. With everyone on 7SEA performing well, the team extended to a solid 9-4 lead. A brilliant triple from Temperr almost broke 7SEA's streak, but they failed to defuse the bomb as CycloneF and BENZENE delayed a 10-5 half for their team.

Moving onto the second half, 7SEA started with another pistol-round win conversion to get themselves to a massive 12-5 lead early. 7SEA continued with a flawless half and Bhavi survived in a 1v2 to deny the bombplant and lock in match point for his team. Putting the final nail in the Reckoning coffin, CycloneF won out a 1v2 to lock in the series win.

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