FIREDUP- GAMING pips Old School Esports in the TEC Arena Connect Kochi quarter-final

Second semi-finalists secured

The second quarter-final saw OLD School Esports (OSE) take on FIREDUP- Gaming (FUG) with the best-of-one being held on Inferno. FUG are now headed to Kochi for the LAN playoffs.

OLD School Esports

  • wildboy

  • -FuRY

  • FLicKeR

  • s1mple

  • Abyy


  • RobbeN

  • ReApErMonsta

  • L0ngBarrel

  • ChAmPcs

  • n1kace

OSE started on the T side and wildboy and -FuRY's doubles saw them pick up the opening round. Abyy's triple with the MAC-10 against the eco from FUG saw OSE take a 2-0 lead before the CT side got the guns out. L0ngBarrel's double saw FUG get on the scoreboard in the first gun round but a -FuRY 1v2 saw OSE respond immediately. A team ace saw OSE build a 4-1 lead and a wildboy 1v2 saw OSE turn around a 2v3 on the B site to put up their fifth T round. FUG pulled it back and a L0ngBarrel triple in Banana saw FUG tie the game at 6-6. FUG managed to string six rounds in a row to end the half with a 8-7 lead as wildboy ended the half with another 1v2 to give OSE their seventh.

n1kace's 1v2 on the B site saw FUG turn around a 2v4 to pick up the second pistol. FUG secured double digits first but OSE won the first gun round. FUG responded with only deagles with L0ngBarrel coming in with a crucial 1v2 to give FUG their 11th. Impactful triple kills from Abyy and -FuRY saw OSE put up ten. Abyy's 1v1 against ChAmPcs saw OSE make it three in a row to get it to a one round game. L0ngBarrel's aggresive double on the B site saw FUG put an end to OSE's streak and secure their 13th. wildboy's deagle helped OSE bring it back to a one-round game, picking up a cheap round with only pistols. A crucial double from ChAmPcs in a 2v2 situation on the B site post plant saw FUG secure match point and FUG closed the map at 16-12.

It was L0ngBarrel who was on top of the scoreboard for FUG, as the rifler came in with an impactful game that saw him end with 33 kills.

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#1(With 0 replies)
July 22, 2023 07:43pm
Longbarrel 😳😳
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