Image Courtesy: godvexy, Instagram (@godvexy)

godvexy retires from esports

The announcement comes in the middle of Skyesports Masters

Sameer “godvexy” Sharma has taken to twitter (X) to announce his retirement from esports in order to peruse his academic endeavors overseas. The series of tweets show godvexy’s attachment and love towards the Indian Esports scene, namely the CS:GO and Valorant communities and is filled with emotion. godvexy is currently a part of Medal Esports, competing in the Skyesports Masters as the announcement comes out.

godvexy's journey in CS:GO began in 2017 when he first picked up the game. Initially playing for fun with friends, his skills gradually improved, motivating him to venture into the world of tournaments. In 2018, he took a shot at Optic Gaming's tryouts and managed to secure a place among the top 10 players, gaining significant recognition in the process. Riding on this success, godvexy joined the ESL Masters League, competing against the finest teams in India at the time.

One of his notable moments came during the Zowie Extremesland 2019 qualifier on Lan, where his team narrowly missed defeating Entity Gaming, the team that eventually represented India. His dedication to the game led them to participate in numerous local and international LAN events. By 2020, godvexy took a step further and embraced a professional career in CS:GO, signing up with Reckoning Esports. His journey reflects the hard work, persistence, and passion that helped him rise through the ranks of the competitive scene.

“Have blind faith in yourself. You are your biggest supporter. Till next time.”
Says godvexy to conclude his thread announcing retirement.

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