Image Courtesy: Reckoning Esports

"I don't think we played like we usually do" - surajS

Reckoning Esports concede an incredibly close 2-1 series to Gods Reign

Reckoning Esports conceded Anubis and Overpass in a hard fought encounter against Gods Reign, with Overpass even going as far as two overtimes. After the match we got a chance to talk to surajS, the IGL of Reckoning Esports and here's what he had to say about the match and the addition of m3wsu and 1nhuman to their lineup.

Incredibly close map, you guys came back and equalized the score multiple times but fell short at the very end, what happened towards the end?

"We knew they were going to pick Inferno, the veto played out very well for us, it was the map picks that we wanted. Inferno and Overpass are their strong maps, we knew it was going to be hard and we had to fight for every round. We did some mistakes on the T-side, we lacked support during entries and we should've closed out Inferno comfortably after our CT-half, we just needed a better T-half."

You recovered from a 1-7 start, came back from a 14-12 disadvantage and closed it out, can you talk us through Anubis?

"They have one of the best players in the region as their coach in Pokemon and he took really good tactical pauses to explain what had to be done. I think rev3nnnn's 1v2 was like a turning point in their CT-half, after which they ran away with a 9-6 half. We should've closed out Anubis comfortably, given that it is one of our better maps. In my opinion, 16-14s and OTs are just lucky games and can go either way, in that light I don't consider Inferno also as a win, it was just lucky. We had a setup planned at 14-12 but it was the wrong time for that and it ended up costing us the game and the whole series."

Went neck to neck on Overpass but after the 1st overtime, you guys played on another level, what clicked for you guys?

"We had a lead at 13-11 and we lacked understanding of what we needed to do, we messed it up. We went for an aggressive push, it was an initiative from my side and it was wrong, we had a role switch to follow that up, which also went wrong for us. To say the least, our T-side on Overpass was terrible. Not to take it away from them but I think we played really bad this whole series on both sides of the map, I don't think we played like we usually do and we didn't play good CS."

Can you talk about m3wsu and 1nhuman's addition to your roster?

"It's fun having Russians in the team, they're really good players and 1nhuman helps out with mid round calls sometimes, helping with adjustments, taking the load off me. Synergy takes time, we've only had the guys in the bootcamp for around 5-6 days, its tough, teams take 1-3 months to build synergy and understand each other, right now that's what's lacking- chemistry. With these conditions, I think the performance today was justified. It would've felt better to win, like I've previously said- winning or losing is not in our hands, we just need to play good CS. We had good rounds of CS today, but definitely not good CS as a team."

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