Image Courtesy: Skyesports

Marcos Gaming defeats 7SEA Esports

7SEA Esports concede 0-2 series to Marcos Gaming

ㅤMarcos Gaming (MG) vs 7SEA Esports (7SEA)


MG 19-17 7SEA



MG 16-14 7SEA


7SEA Esports started off on the T-side of Vertigo with a 3-0 lead but Marcos Gaming closed thee gap quickly at 3-3, after which both teams fiercely fought and traded rounds back and forth. The first half ended with a 7-8 score line slightly in favor of Marcos Gaming.

Marcos Gaming


  • Mcg1LLzZz

  • Rider

  • Gh0sTTTT

  • Zerocool

7SEA Esports

  • India ELV1S

  • India CycloneF

  • India Bhavi

  • India BENZENE

  • India DicecDealer

7SEA Esports got off to a strong start on the CT-side, stringing up 5 rounds in a row to take the lead and go 12-8. Marcos Gaming put up 3 of their own but again, 7SEA Esports clawed one back, displaying a formidable CT-defense. However, Marcos Gaming found momentum towards the end and sprinted to match point at 15-13 but 7SEA Esports did not let Marcos Gaming close out the map, tying things up at 15-15, pushing Vertigo into overtime. The overtime went neck to neck but right at the end, Marcos Gaming edged out 7SEA Esports 19-17 to close out Vertigo and go 1-0 up in the series.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

7SEA Esports took the pistol round starting off on the CT-side of Inferno but failed to convert the follow-up. Marcos Gaming broke the CT-economy and built a strong 6-1 lead for themselves. 7SEA Esports clawed back a few rounds here and there but Marcos Gaming were really on song in their T-side, reading 7SEA Esports' setups almost every time, to close out a 10-5 half in their favor.

7SEA Esports won the pistol round and this time even converted the follow-up to start off the second half but Marcos Gaming found their footing and once the gun rounds began, locking in a solid CT-side, stringing up 4 in a row to reach 14-7, just a round away from match point. 7SEA Esports showed life in their T-side, winning a couple rounds and breaking the CT-economy.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

7SEA Esports after stringing 4 rounds in a row, Marcos Gaming put a speed breaker in 7SEA Esports' comeback, securing match point at 11-15, after a 7SEA Esports fumbled a B-take. 7SEA Esports denied a 2v4 retake on the B-site, breaking Marcos Gaming's economy in a crucial round, confirming the 14th. Marcos Gaming went for a double AWP setup on the ultimate round at 14-15. Even though Marcos Gaming missed a full utility set, Marcos Gaming executed a flawless retake on the A-site, derailing 7SEA Esports' comeback at the last step, closing out Inferno 16-14 and the series 2-0.

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