Image Coutesy: 7SEA Esports

"Our trades were weak" - Bhavi

Revenant Esports secure 2-0 series against 7SEA Esports

After their loss to Revenant Esports, 7SEA Esports stare down the barrel of a future where they're denied a top 4 spot. We got a chance to talk to Bhavi, 7SEA Esports' IGl and AWPer, here's what he had to say about the match.

Recovered but failed to close out Anubis, can you talk about that?

"They had slow approach on the CT-side, they had 0-5 lead on us. Our buy rounds were shaky and we were giving them first kills. We shelled out utility early in the round and we didn't have enough to contain their late rounds because of which we lost a few buy rounds, but after converting anti-ecos, we could get 5 in the first half."

The second half really got away from you, can you talk about Mirage?

"Our trades were weak, when the first player went in, we couldn't find ourselves in situations to trade him out and along with that we didn't play after plants that well."

What are your plans from here? You need to get 2 in 2 to stay alive in the tournament.

"I think we should believe in ourselves and as a team, we should be able to win the remaining 2 if we bring our A-game."

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August 12, 2023 04:38pm
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