CS2 Premier Mode Statistics: Only 80k Asian Players
Famous Counter-Strike statistics account Aquarius (@aquaismissing) recently published a tweet discussing the Premier Mode Statistics for the CS2 Limited Test. The Premier Mode beta has been out for 3 weeks and has seen a very positive response from the community. The system provides each player with a global rank and rating along with a leaderboard system to track the charts.

The tweet showed the percentage of users from various regions that comprise the no 1 million+ players in the Beta. Notably this only includes players who have won 10 or more matches in the game. Based on these numbers Asia comprises of 7.84% of the playerbase accounting for nearly 80k players. China unfortunately does not have access to CS2 so far as Perfect World, the Chinese CSGO client hasn't received the limited test yet.
The latest Leetify Blog also sheds some light on the distribution of ranks in the leaderboard.
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