ex-Rare Atom boys to play for TYLOO

TYLOO confirm 5yclone acquisition

advent and co. to play under TYLOO banner

TYLOO have confirmed that they have picked up the 5yclone roster to merged them into their Counter-Strike division. The announcement comes after a recent sighting of the 5yclone players in TYLOO jerseys. Along with the players, k4mi will also join the team as the Coach.

The likes of JamYoung, kaze, Moseyuh, advent and Mercy will now play for TYLOO, after playing for Rare Atom, who at one point where fighting TYLOO for the title of the best Chinese team. Following parting ways with Rare Atom, the team played as 5yclone until the were signed up by TYLOO.

Earlier in May this year, TYLOO had brought in emi, ROGA and sk0R departing from the Chinese majority core but with the signing of the 5yclone players, the team in Chinese majority again.

The TYLOO roster with the new signings are:

  • Mercury

  • JamYoung

  • kaze

  • Moseyuh

  • advent

  • k4mi (coach)

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