Image Courtesy: Valve

Valve addresses CS2 hitbox issues

Several performance and visual improvements included in the update

After the community pointed out several severe hitbox inconsistencies, Valve were quick to address the issue along with a few other fixes, clubbing it into an update which was shipped earlier today.

Valve claims to have fixed several hitbox alignment bugs with the update. Memory leak caused by particles has been fixed, meaning that after the required computation has been done, the memory usage for the program does not continually increase over time.

Mirage, Vertigo and Nuke receive various tweaks and bug fixes and valve continue to apply more tweaks to weapon finishes and stickers. Here are Valve's release notes for the update:


  • Fixed a case where feet would appear black when looking down at them through a scope

  • Fixed a memory leak due to particles


  • Fixed several hitbox alignment bugs

  • Fixed knife spinning not feeling as fast as in CS:GO

  • Fixed the bolt not moving during the M4A4 and M4A1-S deployment animations

  • Fixed a bug where weapon inspect could interrupt the silencer toggle animation


  • Various bug fixes and tweaks to Mirage, Vertigo, and Nuke


  • Fixed several bugs with "Looking to Play"

  • Various bug fixes and tweaks to weapon finishes and stickers

  • Fixed a bug where loadout changes weren't saved if the game was closed shortly after making changes

  • Fixed a bug where Steam Friends' match status was delayed or missing

  • CPU performance improvements for weapon tracers

  • Added an official matchmaking datacenter in Chengdu, China

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