DreamHack Hyderabad 2023 CS2 Qualifiers Day 5 Recap
Fifth day of the DreamHack Hyderabad Qualifiers finalised the final 8 teams still in the running for a spot at the LAN. With One-sided BO1s and Overtime matches, here's all the action that transpired.
Heavy Mauj vs Wasted Potential (1-13)
Starting the day off we had Heavy Mauj taking on Wasted Potential. WP have been a team that thrives in online events, fragging out most opponents in the early stages of many a qualifier. The same reality materialised today as the two teams battled on Overpass. With Lynx dropping 20 frags and staggering 70% headshot rate, there was almost nothing Heavy Mauj could do as they got battered 13-1.
Menace Esports vs 2ez Gaming (bye)
Arcane Aces vs Fire5 Esports (14-16)
An overtime affair between Arcane Aces and Fire5 Esports concluded the matches for the day. Both teams were neck and neck throughout the chosen map of Ancient. Arcane Aces were playing like a solid team, spreading out the fragging output across the board, but Fire5 had two Aces up their sleeves. A10N3 B0Y and RaMbO combined for nearly 70 frags in the map, pushing their team across the map in overtime when MR13 didn't feel quite enough.