Bhavi: "Both the vetos happened at the same time"

Revenant Esports lost both their opening matches today to Marcos Gaming

After two grueling losses to Marcos Gaming at Dreamhack Hyderabad, we talked to Bhavi from Revenant Esports about the team's performance today. Here is what he had to say.

Tough game today Bhavi, do you regret choosing Ancient after you got demolished in the first match?

I think Ancient is a pretty strong map for us. And since both the vetos happened at the same time, we decided to go with Ancient.

Do you think the format is to blame for that?

It's not only that, today they were a better team than us. And we struggled to get trades. I think that is why we lost.

You are a very new roster right now, do you have pressure to perform in this tournament?

We have only been playing for the past 4 days. But with the kind of players we have, I think we should expect to win this tournament.

We saw some missed smokes in the game today. Was it due to the frustration caused by the tech pauses?

I think people miss a smoke or two every game. Even though we were losing, we were not frustrated. We were all calm. We just couldn't play our game today.

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