BuLLet: "We had 0 practice"

Team Respect are the first team to get eliminated from DreamHack Hyderabad

Team Respect bows out DreamHack Hyderabad after failing to win a single map. After their final loss against Revenant, we caught up with BuLLeT to discuss about his journey in the tournament.

Psy mentioned in one of the interviews that you guys had come here to have a good time without setting any expectations. Is that true?

We hadn't set any expectations. But we are disappointed that we couldn't win a single map. We were actually aiming to qualify for the playoffs atleast, but we failed to do so.

Did you have any practice before the game?

We came with 0 pratice. We sat down a day before the game to learn all the smokes. And we only prepared Ancient.

You struggled a lot on Anubis, what went wrong?

Anubis was totally on the fly. We hadn't played it at all. We were placing all our bets on Ancient, but they came prepared too. They saw our games against Marcos and they prepared accordingly. We were playing Anubis freely. Before the match, we were sitting at Round difference of 12, so we had to win 13-0 to qualify. So we played without any pressure.

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