Image Credit: High IQ

Wasted Potential pips ROG Academy to secure Grand Final spot

First finalist of the Gladiator's League S3 confirmed

The first semi-final of the Gladiator's League Season 3 was scheduled to be held between Enigma Gaming and KingPins but with the teams requesting to postpone the game, the second semi-final - which was the ROG Academy vs Wasted Potential game - was held before.

ROG Academy

  • BrOCK

  • arakyN

  • SeeK

  • KillSwiTcH

  • vrenyy

Wasted Potential

  • Owned

  • YellowFlash

  • lynX

  • HeadshotSpeciaL

  • 3vilpr1nc3

The series opener was Ancient with ROG Academy starting their pick on the CT side. As expected in the playoffs game, it was an intense start with both teams going neck-and-neck which saw a tied half to get things started at 6-6. Wasted Potential secured the second pistol on their CT side and went 8-6 up before SeeK's 1v1 on the A site gave ROG their first T round. It was Wasted Potential though, running away with an easy win as 3vilpr1nc3 closed things out with a ninja in a 1v2 to pick up the map for his team at 13-8.

Image Credit: High IQ

Mirage was the second map of the series and it was Wasted Potential starting on the T side with a 5-0 lead on their pick after converting a crucial pistol in the series. ROG answered back with four-in-a-row before Wasted Potential got their sixth and ended the half at 6-6.

A clinical retake on the A-site saw Wasted Potential secure both pistols on Mirage and ran away to a 9-6 lead before ROG stole a round with nothing but upgraded pistols to get their first T round. While ROG Academy put up a strong fight on their T side, it was Wasted Potential who secured map point first and won Mirage 13-10 with Owned closing things out with a quad kill on the A site.

Image Credit: High IQ

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