Enigma Gaming pips KingPins in a three-map thriller

Second finalist of Gladiator's League S3 confirmed

The second semi-final of the Gladiator's League Season 3 saw Enigma Gaming take on KingPins with Wasted Potential waiting to see who will join them in the Grand Final.


  • Bhavi

  • reV3nnnn

  • Ember

  • B2

  • ELV1S

Enigma Gaming

  • SpawN


  • hattygOD

  • Catastr0phE

  • ghostxD

Inferno got things underway with SpawN starting with an incredible quad kill on Banana to give Enigma the opening CT-sided pistol. An Ember triple on the force buy with upgraded pistols saw KingPins answer right back. It was a strong half thanks to Ember and B2's crucial multi-kills that saw KingPins keep the score tied at 6-6 at the half before switching to the CT side.

Enigma started with the pistol and won four in a row before KingPins got on the board on their CT side. A crucial 1v2 from ghostxD on the A site in a post-plant saw Enigma make sure KingPins didn't tie up the game and Enigma hung on to close it out at 13-11 with SpawN leading from the front with 21 kills.

Image Credit: LOT Gaming

SpawN and Catastr0phE's multi-kills saw Enigma start Mirage with the CT sided pistol, just like they did on Inferno, and they converted against the pistols with ease to start 2-0. A crucial Bhavi mid-lurk which saw KingPins' captain open up the A site with a multi-kill had KingPins quickly get on the board. Ember's quad-kill in the following round saw KingPins tie up the score.

The multi-kill rounds from the individuals of KingPins kept on coming as a triple-kill from reV3nnnn to open up the A site from Palace saw them take the lead of the map and a quad-kill from Bhavi saw KingPins quickly go 5-2 up. KingPins went on a nine-round streak before Enigma got one final round right at the end of the first half, but it was Bhavi and co. taking a 9-3 lead.

It was clinical from KingPins on the CT side after converting the pistol and they closed things out with one saved AWP and four pistols to take Mirage 13-5.

Image Credit: LOT Gaming

Ancient was the series decider with KingPins starting with the CT-sided pistol. KingPins started with a 6-0 lead before an ace from hattygOD saw Enigma Gaming get off the mark. BENZENE's 1v1 against reV3nnnn on the B site saw Enigma make it two-in-a-row. Enigma made it five in a row with hattygOD coming in with a crucial 1v2 on the A site against a scary low buy from KingPins. KingPins stole a ninja in a 2v2 to close out the half as they ended with a 7-5 lead.

A full house from reV3nnnn and ELV1S saw KingPins take both pistols on Ancient. Enigma though answered back with eight-in-a-row to close out Ancient at 13-9, with SpawN and his boys putting up a stellar CT side which quite literally locked KingPins out of the map and match eventually.

Image Credit: LOT Gaming

The win sees Enigma Gaming book their spot in the Grand Final against Wasted Potential while KingPins will play ROG Academy for the third-place match.

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