Image Credit: NODWIN

FIREDUP Gaming wins The Draft India Qualifiers

A comprehensive 2-0

On the final day of The Draft India Qualifiers, we saw FIREDUP Gaming taking on 2ez Gaming in the Grand Final. While both teams had already booked their spot in the Group Stages, a Grand Final was still to be played before moving to the next stage.

Ancient was the series opener as FIREDUP Gaming started 5-0 on the T side. 2ez pulled it back to an 8-4 lead but quickly stole the second pistol to start with six rounds in a row on their T side before FIREDUP got their CT side going thanks to a smoke defuse from ChAmP. FIREDUP managed to hold on to close it out at 13-11 to draw first blood in the Grand Final.

Image Credit: NODWIN Gaming

Nuke started with FIREDUP Gaming once again starting strong with a 4-0 lead on their CT side. FIREDUP ran away with a 10-2 lead and picked up Nuke 13-4 to take the series 2-0 and win the Grand Final of the India Qualifiers.

Image Credit: NODWIN Gaming

While 2ez Gaming might have gone down in the Grand Finals, they still make it to the India Group Stages along with FIREDUP Gaming and these two teams will be joined by four invited teams.

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