Image Courtesy: ESEA

Indian Teams start strong in ESEA Open Season 48

Enigma and Gods Reign picked up wins while K1ngP1ns played AP Gaming right down to the wire.

ESEA Season 48 SEA Open kicked off recently with a smattering of Indian squads in attendance. After Gods Reign's run all the way to Relegations last season, expectations are high for all the teams.

First up on the docket was K1ngP1ns taking on AP Gaming. The Bhavi led team started off with a lead 7-5, but AP Gaming matched that performance as NertZz, the Chinese player, not to be confused with NertZ the Israeli superstar. The two teams headed to Overtime, and after 16 rounds of OT, AP Gaming took the win.

Next up, was Enigma Gaming taking on SABUTAI and this time it was SpawN dropping 22 frags to lead his team to a close 13-11 win, with the team leading from the beginning with a 8-4 half. SpawN, hattyg0d and ghostxD all performed well, a good sign for the team's future results.

The much awaited return of Gods Reign was a smashing success. The team took Serenity Esports to Ancient and they truly showed that they are a cut above as they took a massive 13-1 win despite clouda and Ph1nnn sitting on 3 and 7 kills respectively. It was Crazy_Gamer leading the charge as usual with 21 frags to start the season strong.

In the penultimate match, we had True Rippers taking on kladbishe. L1nyaaa and ilesha were the dominant performers for kladbishe as True Rippers fell flat, not being able to put their best foot forward. The team mustered a mere 3 rounds in the first half and took a massive 13-3 loss, something they'd want to improve in the upcoming matches.

Finally, iYATi took on 5 Hamsters over on Inferno. AJAY and slotz were strong from the word go, and with slotz hitting 20 headshots iYATi were unstoppable in the first half. They closed the half out with a massive 9-3 lead. The script however flipped when 5 Hamsters switched sides as now they were the dominant force with GuoJ1ng leading the charge. Still, iYATi held on as they narrowly took the match 13-11.

ESEA Open Season 48 will continue on 24th January with K1ngP1ns being the first Indian team playing that day.

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