Image Courtesy: ESEA

Indian team's stellar form persists in ESEA Open Season 48

Both Enigma and GrayFox Esports secured wins against their respective opponents

The second day of ESEA Open Season 48 kicked off with two Indian teams participating, Enigma Gaming and GrayFox Esports,

Starting hot on the Singapore servers, GrayFox faced off against the Mongolian team CW. Starting on Nuke, GrayFox initially found themselves trailing by a 7-5 score. The tides were then turned by Nox, who registered a 1.25 KD map to help GrayFox snatch a win from the jaws of defeat. GrayFox ended up winning the map 13-11.

Next up was Enigma Gaming who took on JDT_untitled, a Japanese team on Anubis. Similar to the tale of GrayFox, Enigma found themselves in an 8-4 deficit. However, after fighting hard in the second half, they took a lead towards the end and ended up closing the map 13-11. It was hattyG0D who led his team in the fragging department, securing 25 kills in regulation.

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