Image Credit: Elite Peekers

Grayfox falls to DreamScape

Big defeat for rite2ace and co.

The final game of Day 4 of Elite Peekers IGNITION CS2 saw Grayfox Esports go up against Singapore's DreamScape with the Group Stage BO1 game taking place on Inferno.

Grayfox got things underway with the CT-sided pistol win but DreamScape replied with the force buy to make sure Grayfox didn't run away with a big start. The force buy win helped DreamScape catapult to a 5-1 lead before a Marzil double from Arch helped Grayfox net their second round. Two rounds were all Grayfox could manage as DreamScape built an incredible 10-2 lead.

Grayfox managed to pick up both pistols on Inferno as they started the second half on their T side with some optimism but it was short-lived as DreamScape once again picked up the force buy with one Scout and a couple of upgraded pistols. A Nox 1v2 with the Deagle on the A site saw Grayfox get their fourth. Grayfox managed to get eight rounds before DreamScape cut down the Indian team's comeback attempts to secure the match at 13-8.

Image Credit: Elite Peekers

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