Belchonokk: "We were surprised they won against BNK"

Aurora lifts the Grand Slam trophy

The tournament favorites have completed their flawless run in the tournament after, Aurora managed to close out the Grand Final against Gods Reign. Post-match, we had a chat with Belchonokk from Aurora to talk us through the game. Here is what he had to say.

Let's start with Ancient first. You guys were very aggressive on the CT side. Generally, the last two games you played, you had a little bit of a slow start. So was this something pre-planned that you'll take the fight with them today?

I don't think so. They're so aggressive for CT. Just, you know, they're playing slowly for T. They're trying to retake mid. And we try to stack mid every round for CT. I was playing A alone every round. So this was the point, how to play against them.

Mirage was a bit closer to start with than you guys pulled it back to even half. What was the team talk at mid to make sure they don't take a run away with the map or something?

Yeah, they surprised us. They were playing so aggressively in the middle and we just didn't kill them. That's it.

Were you a little surprised that they went in with the same veto, especially since you beat them big yesterday? Were you like surprised they put the same maps in the video?

We were surprised actually they won against Bad News Kangaroos. We thought we were going to play against them. But not surprised about the map pool.

On the same lines as you said, do you think it would've been a more competitive grand final with Bad News Kangaroos here?


You guys had like a flawless run in the tournament. You didn't drop a single map,.Are you guys performing at 100 percent or do you still think you guys can play even better?

We can play much better. For sure, we can play much better.

And finally, one last question, how was your overall experience in India here?

Yeah, it's a different region. It's an interesting experience here. And we are going to play one more tournament here in April. Biggest one.

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