No changes in latest ranking update

Gods Reign remains at the top

With the international Counter-Strike scene going on the mid-season break, the latest HLTV rankings updates sees no changes and it's the same story for the Indian rankings as well as there is no change in the standings.

Bhavi's boys, Gods Reign remain as the #1 ranked team in India with True Rippers in second place and Carnival Gaming in third. Gods Reign hold on to their #11 spot in the Asian rankings with True Rippers one spot below them. Carnival Gaming in the lowest ranked Indian team in the Asian rankings at #15.

Image Credit: HLTV

By holding on to their number 1 spot in the Indian rankings, Gods Reign remains the #1 team in India for 14 straight weeks. The MongolZ meanwhile remain the best team in Asia and have moved up a spot to #11 in the world rankings from the last update.

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