Gods Reign, True Rippers on track for APAC RMR closed qualifier invite

Gods Reign hold 6th place in Asian rankings

In the latest update Valve's official rankings the top five in the Asian scene remain stagnant with The MongolZ holding a hefty lead at the top followed by FlyQuest and Lynn Vision to round off the top three. These three teams are well set for a direct invite to the Asia-Pacific RMR for the upcoming Prefect World Shanghai Major.

As a result of their recent success in the Indian scene True Rippers have made climbed up a place. DEFAULTER's team sits at 11th place currently, just four places shy of an RMR closed qualifier invite but when placed in the Rest of Asia rankings, True Rippers throw their name in the top 4, confiriming their closed qualifier appearance.

Gods Reign, True Rippers currently on the closed-qualifier invite list

Gods Reign are currently at #6 and will face tough competition for their closed qualifier invite contention. Gods Reign, TYLOO and Bad News Kangaroos sit with 859, 858 and 857 points respectively, all separated by a single point differences, indicating extreme volatility in the lower end of the top seven.

The cut-off date for the placement considerations is 7th August 2024 and if Gods Reign does not incur massive losses over the course of the following month then they are on track for a closed qualifier invite. Since the closed qualifiers are classified into Middle East and Africa, East Asia, Oceania, China and Rest of Asia, Gods Reign and True Rippers might have just confirmed their closed qualifier berths in the Rest of Asia closed qualifier.

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