Image Courtesy: Skyesports

Jeebs 'There are some (practice rooms) made available on a time slot basis'

Revenant’s assistant coach shares updates from Skyesports Championship 2024

Revenant's assistant coach and analyst, Jeebs, who has traveled with the team to Mumbai for the Skyesports Championship 2024, spoke to Dust2 India about his experiences since arriving in India.

He praised the hospitality he has received and noted the significant improvements made to address the issues present on Day 1. Additionally, he mentioned that new practice rooms will be made available to the teams on a time slot basis, a solution to the challenges provided by Skyesports.

There were a lot of issues on day one, but from the Tweets and comments of other players, it seems there were improvements today. Can you walk us through your version of the events?

For clarity, the hospitality has been absolutely amazing. From the moment we arrived at the hotel, that side of things was absolutely perfect. However, the severity of the issues from Day 1 are accurate. The issues we faced were from the desks, poor communication, low quality PCs, and PCs not being wiped. The computer I originally had versus Eternal Fire on Day 1 had multiple VAC bans on it- it's literally career ending if someone got a VAC. Day 2 was pretty flawless tech wise. Early on there were some communication issues with the TO and some packet loss issues but both were resolved.

Your start in the tournament hasn’t been ideal, with two big losses in both BO1 matches on Nuke. The struggle has been apparent on the T-side. Who do you consider the key player to help you get going on the T-side?

There isn't one specific player, everyone has a role needed for us to succeed on T Side and we obviously haven't brought that. We had trust in our gameplans for both matches and simply failed to execute them in either game.

Moving away from the game for a moment, you have many fans and supporters. How has the hospitality been like here?

The support we have received has been great, especially from those who already supported Revenant. We have had some really poor matches and there's always someone giving us encouragement.

Have you seen the new practice rooms arranged by Skyesports? Any comments on that?

Honestly not too sure about the decision, I haven't heard any backlash about it. But, when talking about Day 1 solutions, teams were willing to give up practice rooms out of fairness/help the power load. Now, there are some made available on a time slot basis. Not sure if other teams were made aware of the decision but I'm pretty sure none of us knew about it. I don't really see another solution to making practice rooms available given the issues we had Day 1. The only fairness concern I can think of is that some teams might get the block before their match vs teams who couldn't.

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