Official: True Rippers confirm multiple changes
Days after Dust2 India's report about multiple changes set to take place in the True Rippers camp, the Indian organisation have officially announced that they are parting ways with Crazy_Gamer and DayMake and also their coach yb.
In the announcement video, it is stated that the decisions are made post 'certain internal discussions within the team and management' which led to them finalising on the need for changes. Crazy_Gamer is going to be replaced by former True Rippers member Mcg!LLzZz while their Russian AWPer DayMake will be replaced by Malaysian player Anasasis, who will wield the Big Green.
Apart from the two player changes, True Rippers is also bidding goodbye to their coach yb, who joined the team earlier this year. The changes come at at time when the team has already made a couple of personnel and tactical changes, with Australian player Crunchy joining the team recently and True Rippers also moved Rossi to the IGL role, with DEFAULTER stepping down from the captaincy role.
With True Rippers officially announcing the changes, their roster currently is:
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