November 7, 2024 10:40pm
Gods Reign announced as the second team invited to AMD GameON CQ
2 more teams to be announced
Not long after announcing the first invited team to the AMD GameON Closed Qualifier, Skyesports has unveiled the second invited team, and it’s none other than Gods Reign, currently regarded as the best team in India.
With Gods Reign filling up the second invited slot, the total tally of the known participating teams goes up to 6, with two teams yet to be announced. The 8 team Closed Qualifier kicks off on 8th November, where 4 teams will advance to the main event, scheduled for 16-17th November at Hyderabad.
The following teams will compete in a tournament following the GSL format, with a total prize pool of 3,00,000 INR.
Participating Teams
Frag Theory
Niory Esports
Griffin Esports
Gods Reign
True Rippers
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