donk attempts 1v5 wallhack challenge
Popular Twitch streamer Evelone192 was back with the 1v5 challenge and this time it was donk who had to go solo against five players. The catch was that donk, the solo player was given wallhacks in attempt to somehow level the playing field. The challenge was previously attempted by s1mple who also lost.
donk took full advantage of the extra info gifted to him and looked strong in the beginning, isolating fights and winning rounds but the five-stack soon amended their ways and did not give donk man-o-man fights, taking down the Russian star in trade kills.
The 1v5 handicap proved to be too much for donk despite being the #1 ranked player of 2024. Even with wallhacks the stellar Russian rifler could only get a total of ten rounds across both maps- Mirage and Dust2.