New Cache ditches the fatigued brownish-yellow ambience

Completed de_cache released on workshop

New Cache now open for all to try

Through a post on X, FMPONE announced that the beloved Counter-Strike classic- de_cache is complete and has returned to the game in the form of a workshop map for everyone to try out. The map however is still in it's early stages in terms of performance optimizations.

Ozzny posted a run down of the map on X, taking the viewers through this new Cache that utilizes and leverages the full potential of the Source 2 engine, delivering absolutely stunning visuals. The famous s1mple graffiti under heaven on B-site seems to have been removed. However, it remains to be seen if this change was intentional or not.

The layout of the map remains the same but certain elements of the gameplay might change with Counter-Strike 2's new utility behaviors. Cache is likely up for an official re-introduction soon but could stay in defusal group map pool until the Austin Major concludes before making it's way into the active duty pool.

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