Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

Random 5 post convincing win against 4evercool

4evercool concede a 10-16 loss to Random 5

Random 5 (R5) got off to a flier on the CT-side of overpass, exploiting the map's CT-sidedness at every chance they got. Everything 4evercool came up with, it would be met with an unmovable CT-defense from R5.


  • India Noyan

  • India 5moKe

  • India revenge

  • India kunkun shah

  • India mr.x

Random 5


  • India Mcg1LLzZz

  • India Rider

  • India Gh0sTTTT

  • India Zerocool

Despite a brilliant T-side AWP from mr.x, 4evercool could get only 4 rounds on their T-side. When the sides switched at 11-4, 4evercool looked good to take the pistol round but Gh0sTTTT had other plans with an incredible 4k clutch. R5 converted the follow-up but fumbled the first full-buy, breaking the T-side economy at 13-6.

After an eco, R5 forced up and outfoxed 4evercool into an A-site and were able to successfully defend the post-plant. R5 secured the followed up and reached the match point against a very weak buy from 4evercool. It all came down to a 1v1 on 15-7 but mr.x got the better of DEFAULTER, keeping the play going.

Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

R5 looked to end it fast with a B-rush but 4evercool held their ground, forcing R5 into an eco, where R5 secured a plant but could not hold the post-plant. 4evercool's CT-side run was short lived as R5 closed it off at 16-10.

Image Courtesy: TEC, YouTube

Gh0sTTTT had a great game for R5 with 29 frags, followed by Mcg1LzZz and DEFAULTER at 22 and 21 frags. 4evercool played their hearts out with mr.x putting on a show with his AWP at 27 frags, followed by revenge at 21 frags. Once again, it was the CT-side that made all the difference, as R5 kept 4evercool's economy bottlenecked, denying them full buy rounds.

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