Destructive 5 reach Skyesports Masters Café Qualifiers Finals

Destructive 5 narrowly defeated Built DIfferent in a 3-map series to lock in a Finals spot.

The second semi-finals of the Skyesports Masters Café Qualifiers saw Destructive 5 taking on Built DIfferent. Both teams gave their all to lock in a Grand Finals spot, but Destructive 5 emerged victorious and will now face Wasted Potential.

The game started on Vertigo, with Built DIfferent on the T side. Destructive 5 picked up the pistol round, but BD answered back with a streak of three. D5 retaliated, and the two teams stayed neck and neck throughout the half, ending with an 8-7 lead for Built DIfferent. Even in the second half, neither team was able to get a lead, but BD was the first to touch 15 despite Sam and Em0 dropping 35+ frags each in regulation. PeXXer was left in an unwinnable 1v4 in round 30, allowing BD to secure the first map win.

Moving onto Inferno, Built DIfferent started with a pistol win, but Destructive 5's attack took control and went on an incredible run of 10 rounds in a row, with Built Different getting just one round near the end of the half as D5 took an 11-4 lead. Not one to be outdone, Built DIfferent went onto their own T-side run with six in a row as everyone on the team was dividing the load. Meanwhile, for D5, their star duo Sam and Em0 continued their incredible run of form, eventually overwhelming the BD attack and locking in the map win.

What better round to start Mirage than Sam and Em0 almost pulling off a pistol win but falling just short at the end? The teams started off much like the previous maps, neck and neck across the board. Eventually, Destructive 5 started to pull out ahead on the CT side, taking an 8-5 lead before the match was halted due to tech issues. Finally, the match resumed, and D5 managed to hold on to their lead, closing the half at 10-5. A pistol round win all but secured the map for Destructive 5. Juvenn and Wuzz stepping up was the key factor in this match, as those two had gone notably missing in the first parts of the series. In the end, Destructive 5 picked up the series and set up a final against Wasted Potential.


  • India iConquer

  • India Catastr0phE

  • India R2B2

  • India Izz3k

  • India SH4DY

Destructive 5

  • India Sam

  • India JuveNN

  • India PeXXeR

  • India Wuzz

  • India Em0

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