Bhavi’s AWP-leadership combo has been a big plus for 7Sea Esports

“We can show our true potential in a Bo3” - Bhavi

After a dominant semi-final win, we got a chance to chat with Bhavi

7Sea Esports aim to win back to back TEC Arena Connect after taking down Destructive 5 in the semi-finals and here’s what the 7Sea Esports skipper, Bhavi had to say.

It's a best of 1, single elimination tournament and basically has to be a flawless win, has been so far, what is your formula? Can you back it for the finals?

I don’t know about the finals, but so far we have been watching the Skyesports qualifiers and have based our game plan on how they play in that.

Talking about this match (semi-finals), there was the PeXXeR factor. How were you feeling about that going into the match?

It felt good, but none of us were nervous, all of us were confident about our own game. For us, it doesn't matter who is on the server against us, no matter how experienced they are, for us it is only about focusing on our game and not on other factors.

It has been Bo1s so far, do you think 7Sea Esports has the endurance, linearity and sustainability to close out a 3-map series?

In Bo3s we can pick our maps like Anubis and Vertigo but in Bo1s we end up playing maps like Mirage or Inferno. In a Bo3 we can show our true potential.

If you can name one player, who is the trump card in your team? When someone is down, psychologically or performance wise, who is the guy that lifts them up?

Both, in and out of the game its CycloneF. In or out of the game whenever someone is feeling down, he can give solutions and he takes up big roles in the team.

How has your experience been, calling with a team like this?

So far it has been really good and simple, I don’t have to micromanage a lot. My players have a good understanding of what I call and will take initiative to make it work.

7Sea Esports will now face either 2EZ Gaming or Marcos Gaming in the finals.

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