"Their Visas got delayed" - SH4DY on the absence of Cara and Tony
cara and Tony were absent from the starting lineup. What was the reason behind it?
Their Visas got delayed. As everyone would know, they are from Malaysia and the Philippines. So there was a bit of an issue in getting them to India. But they will be here. In the next matches maybe.
cara's absence was felt clearly in the match. Rossi had to IGL and we saw you pick up the AWP on both the maps. How tough did it get in accommodating the changes?
So cara, not being here was a big issue as Rossi had to focus more on IGLing. And I had to pick up the AWP sometimes and even he picked up the AWPs when needed. So there was a big role change and we couldn't really play our usual game. But we tried the best we could from whatever the circumstances were.
You attempted a comeback on both maps. How was the team chemistry and the coms looking like?
We were still doing fine. We weren't very tilted or anything. We were trying our best. We knew this is just a start. This is a start to a very big league so we should just try our best.
Were you not prepared for Ancient?
Yeah, we were unprepared overall. Because we met our new players just today. This was our first game with them. So of course we were underprepared. Everyone had to change their positions. We couldn't play our usual positions and we couldn't call our set strats because not everyone knew their set strats.
How is the team practice going to be going forward into the tournament?
We hope to be more prepared whenever Cara and Tony can come. We will play as much as we can. We will maybe expand our map pool. I think you will see a much better Ancient with the whole lineup.