Image Courtesy: DEFAULTER, Instagram (@riteshsarda)

"Mirage is an AWPer's paradise and we had 2 good AWPers" - DEFAULTER

Marcos Gaming closed out a 2-0 series against Reckoning Esports

After a clean sweep 2-0 against Reckoning Esports, we got a chance to talk to Marcos Gaming's IGL, DEFAULTER and here's what he had to say.

Nuke was their strong map too, was there a lot of homework done on that?

"Yeah actually, a bit of map contest before the match. We had a few counters ready, we knew they would push outside more. We tried to restrict them from going into secret and maintain as much map control as possible, that was basically our game plan."

Mirage looked like a whole different story, can you talk us through Mirage?

"I was pretty confident on Mirage because I knew that they don't play a lot of Mirage. Banning Inferno, they gave us an option to pick a big map, Mirage is an AWPer's paradise and we had 2 good AWPers, it was quite easy for us."

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