iM shines as NAVI take down BIG
NAVI's match to Heroic was a confidence shaker, but it was a match against the best team in the world. So coming into a match against a new BIG squad with s1n taking over leadership, NAVI was still the big favorite. And NaVi showed that, in this close but clean 2-0 victory.
NAVI started the match on Ancient with a 6-1 lead off the back of a pistol win. A postplant on the B site went BIG’s way to open the Germans’ account and they extended that to 3 in a row. iM’s B site defence and s1mple’s AWP gave control back to NaVi. And the Romanian rifler was on fire, taking 22 frags in the first half to give NaVi a massive 11-4 lead.
BIG shut down b1t’s clutch attempt to get the second half pistol round. The German squad’s defences were holding strong, putting 3 in a row, but Aleksib and jL found key entry frags into the B site to get their half started. The now s1n-led squad managed to pick a couple of eco rounds with stellar Deagle kills, but NAVI pulled out with the map win, spoiling BIG’s attempted punish pick.
NAVI once again started with a pistol win. BIG managed to steal away a couple rifle rounds, but s1mple’s AWP 3k secured NAVI's 5th. The Germans got close to taking away a round a couple of times, but NAVI held on and extended their lead to 10. Despite numerous timeouts BIG could only manage one more round before NAVI closed the half out 11-4 once again.
NAVI took the pistol round win to set themselves up for an easy half, but BIG’s forcebuy gave the German squad the momentum as they put together 5 in a row, shutting down NAVI across the map. Finally the GOAT himself stepped up, using his AWP to get a stunning ACE to get NAVI back in motion.
Still BIG was solidly in the game, nearly taking it to a tied 14-14 before a bomb drop from iM secured matchpoint for NAVI instead. And the international side secured the map to setup the Heroic rematch.