"We are very satisfied because we won a map against Marcos" - syahh

Velocity Gaming suffered yet another loss against Marcos Gaming

Despite losing the game, Velocity Gaming won many hearts with their gallant showings against Marcos today. After the match, we exchanged a few words with Syahh from Velocity Gaming. Here is what he had to say.

Still an overall impressive showing from you despite losing the game. Are you satisfied with your performance?

Very satisfied with this match. Because we won a map against Marcos. It was too hyped. We were never hyped like this before.

You were also dawning the double AWP setup on the CT side of Anciet. Do you think that played a crucial role in winning the map?

Yeah, kind of.

Was that something you improvised during the game?


Even on Overpass, at the start you looked scary but then Marcos ran away with the game. What went wrong?

There was misunderstanding and misinformation. We were doing something and it was going wrong. That's all.

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