7SEA puts up a valiant effort in the semifinals

Bhavi 'I am really proud of the boys, to have made it to the Playoffs'

7SEA Esports' captain speaks after their semifinal loss

After an emotional rollercoaster of a semifinal that was the Skyesports Masters semifinal which saw Revenant Esports take down 7SEA Esports, 7SEA's captain Bhavi spoke to Dust2 India for a short chat.

Emotions after that rollercoaster of a game?

Mixed emotions to be honest, we performed a great comeback in the opening map but then on Inferno we really should have closed it out, we made a lot of individual errors and there were a lot of post-plant scenarios which we shouldn't have lost.

Let's talk about the Ancient game, 10-15 down and you guys pulled it back in overtime, what were the team comms like at that time?

I think even though we were down, we know we have a strong Ancient and I told the boys not to give up and no one did and that was the reason we managed to make the comeback possible.

Coming to Inferno, it was a great CT start from you guys, 10-2 up, two crazy retakes, one only with USPs and another DiceDealer 1v2, what happened on the T side?

A lot of errors again and we just choked really hard, nothing else to say.

Finally, it has been a great run from you guys, y'all formed just sometime before the event and to make it to the semis, what are your thoughts on the team's performance in the tournament?

We formed our team in April if I am not wrong and this was the first big LAN event for us. I am really really proud of the boys, we had a long bootcamp before the event and even though it was a slow start from us, I am really proud we stepped up and made it to the Playoffs. The last couple of games we played all were practically do-or-die and we stepped up each time so I am really proud.

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