Xyp9x's house is up for sale at a staggering 9.5 crores

Xyp9x places his apartment for sale

The veteran who got sidelined from Astralis Talent in June is now in the process of moving homes and has decided to sell his apartment. Taking it to his Instagram story, Xyp9x shared that he's putting his apartment up for grabs at a price of 7.8 million DKK, which roughly translates to 9.5 crores INR. The apartment is situated on Julius Posselts Vej in Nørresundby and covers a spacious area of 157 square meters.

What's even more appealing about this property is the fantastic view it offers. From the 18th floor of the apartment, you can enjoy a clear sight of the Limfjord, as well as a pleasant view of Egholm. You can find additional information about the apartment on Thorkild Kristensen's website

Source : Thorkild Kristensen

Source : Thorkild Kristensen

Source : Thorkild Kristensen

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