Marcos Gaming hammer Original Gangsters

Marcos Gaming clean OG in CS GO Pro League 2023

The final game of the day saw Marcos Gaming go up against Original Gangsters in the Group Stages of the CS GO Pro League 2023 and the action got underway on Inferno once again.

Marcos Gaming (MG) got things off on the CT side and a cara and Rider double saw them pick up the pistol. A Lone wolf double on an upgraded pistol buy saw OG get their first gun round in the fourth round. MG answered back with three of their own again before an aRx 1v1 on the B site helped OG get their second round. Those two were all OG could manage as MG ended the half with a 13-2 lead.

MG picked up the second pistol and then went to close out the game at 16-2 albeit OG played the final couple of rounds with four players only due to a tech issue on their end.

With this commanding win DEFAULTER and squad now have two wins in the Group while OG are still waiting to get off the mark.

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