DreamHack Hyderabad 2023 CS2 Qualifiers Day 3 Recap

Here is a recap of the 3 single-elimination BO1s that took place today

Similar to the second day, the third day also saw minimal action, with 2 teams once again forfeiting the match. As the day wrapped up, Arcane Aces, Fire5 Esports and Fight 4 Fame came out with victories.

Arcane Aces vs Entry Fragger (bye)

Team TRG OFFICIALS vs Fire5 Esports (bye)

Airavata Esports vs Fight 4 Fame (12-16)

The final game made up for the lack of action today by delivering a thrilling game. Set on Mirage, the two teams locked horns in an intensely close game. Both the halves ended with equal scores of 6-6, as the game proceeded to OT. However, in OT Fight 4 Fame got the edge over Airavata Esports, as they won 4 straight rounds, building on top of a flawless CT side to secure the game 16-12.

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