ghostxD: "I was IGLing since second map against Gods Reign"

Firedup Gaming are the Group A toppers

Firedup Gaming may have started out slow at DreamHack Hyderabad 2023, but they certainly did not stop once they got going. After two dominating maps against Enigma Gaming, they ended the group stages as Group B toppers.

After their game, we caught up with ghostxD to talk about their journey so far, and the plans for the Playoffs.

You came to the tournament as underdogs and now you have demolished Enigma. Did you expect to play so well?

I mean we were not really prepared on either of the two maps. It was just individual performance. In our team I think everyone is really individually skilled. And hats off to Catastr0phE, he has always been the man to put up numbers. Previously when we were going against Gods Reign, he had to IGL, but I asked him not to sacrifice his role.

Oh, so you were calling?

Yes I was IGLing since second map against Gods Reign.

How much practice did you have before coming to the tournamet?

We probably played for like 3-4 days. Even on the first day of DreamHack we were not so confident because we still had some stuff to go over. So we had taken a break the entire a day and just practiced. I think we showed a very good performance.

Going into the Playoffs, how tough do you think the competition is going to be?

I think we are number 1 in Group B so I am assuming we will go against Revenant. They had a really iffy start. I am hoping we have a fun match. It is going to be entertaining. And yes, we are going to give our best so let's see what is going to happen.

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