Eternal Fire cuts TYLOO's Jönköping campaign short
After a disappointing opening day loss to Monte at the ESL Challenger Jönköping 2023, TYLOO kicked off the second day fighting for survival against Eternal Fire.
Eternal Fire's pick of Vertigo was the series opener as TYLOO started 3-0 on the T side. TYLOO started strong but it was Eternal Fire who ended their CT half with the momentum as they tied up the score 6-6. TYLOO picked up the second pistol as well but it was Eternal Fire who turned it around on their T side to secure the map at 13-9.
TYLOO started their pick of Overpass with yet another pistol win but it was the Wicadia and XANTARES show for the Turkish team as they ended their CT half with a 8-4 lead. Eternal Fire finally won their first pistol in the second half of Overpass and it was a flawless T side that saw them close out Overpass at 13-4 and secure the series 2-0.
Eternal Fire will now take on Nouns once again, in the Group A decider match.