Image Courtesy: Valve

Valve patches Inferno’s C4 bug

Weapon quick-switch addressed

In today’s update Valve fixed a bug on Inferno which allowed the T’s to plant C4 in locations which would give them an unfair advantage through visual inconsistencies.

In the update prior to this one, a mechanic which was in play for the entirety of Counter-Strike’s lifespan- quick-switching was altered. Players would manually swap to a weapon after throwing nades to pull out the weapon faster. With the previous update Valve increases the manual swap timing to match the automatic swap’s delay. This was fixed in today’s update, reverting the timing.

Here are Valve’s patch notes for the update:


  • Fixed a bug where explicit weapon switches right after grenade throws were delayed slightly


  • Inferno:
    Fixed a bug where you could plant C4 in planter

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