Enigma Gaming survives Wasted Potential scare

Enigma Gaming edge past WP in Gladiator's League S3 campaign opener

The second game of Day 2 of the Gladiator's League S3 had SpawN's Enigma Gaming fielding their new roster with ghostxD, against Wasted Potential (WP) in the Group 2 BO1 game.

Enigma Gaming

  • SpawN


  • Catastr0phE

  • ghostxD

  • hattygOD

Wasted Potential

  • HeadshotSpeciaL

  • Owned

  • lynX

  • 3vilpr1nc3

  • YellowFlash

Mirage was the playground with Enigma starting with an aggressive CT pistol win. A triple from HeadshotSpeciaL saw Wasted Potential get on the board in the first gun round but Enigma answered back immediately with a mixed up comprising of three Deagles that got the job done. A Catastr0phE 1v2 on the B site in the post plant saw Enigma secure their sixth and Enigma ended the half with a strong 10-2 lead.

Wasted Potential took a much needed pistol to start their CT side. Wasted Potential converted against the force and eco but Enigma looked set to get their T side going in the first gun round of the second half but it was HeadshotSpeciaL with an ace and a 1v4 that kept Wasted Potential in the game, helping them secure their sixth. Wasted Potential secured eight in a row to tie up the score at 10-10. It took a BENZENE and Catastr0phE opener on the A site that saw Enigma get their first T side and a ghostxD triple put Enigma on match-point.

Image Credit: High IQ

Enigma managed to hang on and close it out at 13-10 after facing a major scare in the second half and made sure to deny Waste Potential a comeback opportunity.

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