DEFAULTER: "In one or two years, we will see Indian teams playing on the big stage"

DEFAULTER speaks about playing on the big stage at BLAST

True Rippers' captain DEFAULTER led Team India at the recently concluded BLAST Premier World Final 2023 Showmatch, where India took on arch-rivals Pakistan in the Showmatch as a celebration of BLAST launching The Draft.

Following the Showmatch, DEFAULTER shared his thoughts about playing and representing India on the global stage, playing alongside a Major winner and what The Draft can do for the scene in India.

Note: Special thanks to HLTV's Luís Mira for helping Dust2 India with the interview

What are the initial thoughts and feelings after playing on a global stage, representing India on the world stage?

I still feel like I'm dreaming, it is the greatest stage I've ever played on, in my life. It's the biggest opportunity any can ever dream of, from India. It should give a boost to everyone (in India) to start playing Counter-Strike and they can look at us today and also aspire to play on this stage some day.

Were there any nerves at all on the stage, especially given it was an India – Pakistan match up?

(I think) there was some pressure, not inside pressure but 'outside pressure'. It is an intense match, whenever we play them (Pakistan) in any sport, we had it in the back of our minds that it may be a Showmatch but we want to win it. We already told Perfecto and TeSeS that 'we have to win it' and it was a great game and we enjoyed a lot.

Were you happy that you got the win in the end?

Yes sure, why not? (laughs)

You had a Major winner in Perfecto with you, what was the basic difference you found in the way someone like a Perfecto approaches the game compared to the pros in India?

(I think) he has more experience, he was very calm throughout the game. I think he has more exposure on how to play on the big stages, as it's more regular for him. A few more events like this and Indian players will also get adjusted to the big crowds and big stadiums. On a regular basis if we play (on these conditions) we'll be fine, we were not nervous, we played a LAN two months back, it wasn't this big but we're used to it.

This is the first time an Indian team or even players have been on the global stage since 2014. How important do you think it is for the region and do you think this is what is needed to get the ball rolling in India?

Better infrastructure, we face a lot of ping issues and we can't face the big teams - the Chinese teams,- because we get high ping. I feel with better infrastructure and a better eco-system, Indian players do have the potential and with more big events being held in India - like BLAST's The Draft - these should help our players grow and it will also improve the ecosystem. I think in the near future, in one or two years, we will see Indian teams playing on the big stage.

DEFAULTER hopes that with better infrastructure, Indian should be playing on the big stage more often

BLAST has also announced The Draft, what are your thoughts on the project and what are your expectations from the event?

It (The Draft) came as a big surprise for us when we heard that BLAST is doing The Draft. It's a very big event for us, of course there's the rivalry - India - Pakistan, but it will also inspire young teams who are just starting off, to keep grinding. It will inspire us to work harder and show the world that we're good at it and hopefully through this event we are on the global stage on a regular basis.

Finally any message to the fans following and supporting Team India from home and also other parts of the world?

I want to thank all of you guys, for supporting us. You guys have been great and we hope you guys keep supporting us, thank you!

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December 18, 2023 02:14pm
Ritesh bhau real goat
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